Import Purchasers#

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For supplier centric financing schemes, supplier needs to import a purchaser into the scheme. The following outlines this process, To import a purchaser, click on Contacts, click on Purchasers (Fig 1), then you will be navigated to Fig 2, which displays all of the purchasers that are associated with this supplier.

Import Purchasers

Fig 1 - Contacts

Import Purchasers

Fig 2 - Purchasers

Click on Import Purchasers and click on File (Fig 3), then Fig 4 will be opened.

Import Purchasers

Fig 3 - Import Purchaser

Click on Browse, select the purchaser details file and click on upload, then you will be able to see Fig 6 when the import is successful.

Click here to download the CSV template to upload the purchaser details

Import Purchasers

Fig 4 - Import Window

Import Purchasers

Fig 5 - File Selected

Import Purchasers

Fig 6 - Import Success

Invite Purchaser#

Click on Imported, then you should be able to see the Imported Purchaser records in the previous step.

Import Purchasers

Fig 1 - Imported Purchasers

In order to invite the Purchaser into the platform, click on the purchaser record (Fig 1), then you will be navigated to Fig 2.

Invite Purchaser

Fig 2 - Purchaser Details

Click on invite (Fig 2), enter the invitee's email and click on Send Invitation.

Supplier Registration

Fig 3 - Send Invitation

After sending the invitation, imported purchaser will be moved to Fig 4.

Supplier Registration

Fig 4 - Invited Purchasers

Set Purchaser Code#

Before a purchaser can export invoices into the platform, you need to set a purchaser code. Click on contacts and select Purchasers (Fig 1), then you will be navigated to Fig 2.

Import Purchasers

Fig 1 - Contacts

Import Purchasers

Fig 2 - Purchasers

Click on the record of the purchaser from the Fig 2, then you will be navigated to Fig 3.

Set the purchase code under the purchaser relationship details and click on Save.

  • Purchaser Code : Unique identifier for the purchaser

Import Purchasers

Fig 3 - Purchaser Details