Purchaser Onboarding#

Send Supplier an Invitation to Register

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The workflow for onboarding a Purchaser is identical to that of onboarding a Financier. Onboarding process starts with platform administrator sending out an invitation to the Purchaser to register it’s company details.

Send Invitation#

Please click on the link Purchaser Invite which will take you to Financier Invitation process previously covered in the User Guide.

Purchaser Registration#

Please click on the link Purchaser Registration which will take you to Financier Registration process previously covered in the User Guide.

Expand Purchaser Company Details#

Please click on the link Company Details to see how to expand and fill the company details.

Bank Account Details#

As a purchaser, you should have a bank account for the purpose of credit transactions. To create a bank account for credit purpose follow the steps in the link. Make sure to populate the purpose field.